Thursday, August 28, 2003

The 'Overgaying' of America:

"If the prospect we face this summer seems bleak, there are nevertheless some hopeful signs. Try as they may to stop opposition, gay activists haven't won the American — or even the Canadian — heart. Far from it.

In fact, 'overgayed' Americans are waking up to the fact that they are, indeed, under a pro-homosexual onslaught — and they don't appear to like it.

'Americans are saying, 'Enough is enough. We're all for tolerance, but this is much more than we've bargained for,' ' Knight said.

A recent USA Today/CNN poll documented a remarkable shift of opinion: more than 10 percent of Americans who had developed a favorable view about homosexuality have actually re-embraced their disapproval. That means a majority of Americans now oppose the gay agenda.

'Among African-Americans, the shift was very pronounced — it was over 20 percent,' Knight said. 'Among African-Americans who attend church weekly, over 30 percent changed their ideas and oppose the gay agenda. That poll was so striking that they actually conducted it twice just to make sure.'"

Hold the Left accountable:

"In the contemporary world of human rights, when you call a person a right-winger, it is the first step toward his or her delegitimization. "

Insert light bulb here.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Schröder's artist friend caught in sex, drug scandal:

"Immendorf refused to comment on the police raid, but friends say he is 'very frightened' of being victimised by the media.

The artist, a professor at Dusseldorf's Academy of Arts, rose to prominence in the 1970s as one of the Jungen Wilden (young wild ones) group of artists.

A former Left-wing Maoist activist who also owned a well-known bar in Hamburg's red-light district, he is best known for his painting Cafe Deutschland, which takes Germany's post-war division as its main subject. He attracted widespread media coverage two years ago when he married one of his students, Oda Jaune, who is 30 years his junior.

Immendorf's rebel image attracted the attention of Chancellor Schröder, who has made a habit of entertaining Left-wing artists, writers and intellectuals with supposedly 'progressive' views since he was first elected five years ago. "
McClintock Statement on Withdrawal of Candidate Bill Simon:

Senator Tom McClintock today released the following statement:

I am genuinely sorry that Bill Simon is dropping out of the race. He offered a perspective to the debate that will be missed. But his decision to withdraw intensifies my resolve to stay and fight.

At stake in this campaign, is the future of California - and that decision belongs to the people of California and must not be left to the country club back rooms. If the most qualified candidate must defer every time a celebrity or a millionaire casts a longing eye on public office, we’ve lost something very important in our democracy, and it’s called merit.

They said that War Admiral couldn’t be beat and shouldn't have to run a race against the likes of Seabiscuit. Let me assure everyone that I am one horse that is in this race to the finish line.

# # #

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Monday, August 18, 2003

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Dr. Laura Loses Her Religion

:: "Schlessinger even hinted at a possible turn to Christianity" ::


Tuesday, August 12, 2003

This Woman Scares Anyone WIth A Rational Mind

:: "Everyone knows that the majority of Californians are upset with Davis because he' s too conservative." ::

Ariannazsazsa speaks. She should keep it up.

Whatever happened to the X-rated film?

:: Sexually explicit film material led to the remarks of a prudish Ted Turner, which may still echo in Time Warner hallways. He was infuriated by what he felt was a synergistic betrayal when the Time Warner subsidiary New Line released David Cronenberg's Crash with an NC-17, which alone might have been one of the best reasons to make it. ::

Is it just me, or is this one of the worst paragraphs ever written?

Universal pre-school heads to Nov. ballot

:: "Which is one reason I don't send my kids to public school. I may not have a fancy house or go on big vacations .. but at least I don't have to worry about my kids learning stuff that has nothing to do with school .. my kids actually learn to read, write and math. ::

:: 12 posted on 08/07/2003 10:06 PM PDT by Mo1 ::

Interesting concept, isn't it?
Human Shredding in Abu Ghraib Prison

I myself couldn't read past the title, but I thought I'd put it in here regardless...
