Friday, December 26, 2003

Monday, December 22, 2003

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of FreeRepublic [OK I'm a liberal so ZOT me!]:

"Liberal: A person unable to process truth. Hateful. Given to belief in goofy conspiracy theories about big buinsess and political connections. Really believes junk science that claims SUV's destroy the enviornment, but travels in charter jet (buring more fossil fuel per hour than 100 SUV's in a year) to the Clinton Inaugural Enviornmentalist Ball. Believes that Americans disagree with the left only because they take orders from Rush Limbaugh. Believes the major main stream media is fair and objective. Believes that Bush is dangerous, but that Castro is a positive force in the world. Believes that Hillary Clinton really did make 100K in cattles futures. Believes that Hillary Clinton really didn't know where those subpeonaed Rose Law Firm documents were for two years. Believes that dictators can be reasoned with. Believes the UN, which has never solved anything, can solve everything.

No, we won't sue you...but we sure as hell will laugh at you.

51 posted on 12/02/2003 6:05 AM PST by Impeach the Boy

New York Times Seen In Lackluster Ad Trend

No end to the Schadenfest in sight...

...which is a good thing.