Santa ordered disrobed at Hampton 'holiday' dance
This one is pretty unbelievable. Really ridiculous quotes, too.
Pastors Indicted For Villifying Muslims (Chilling Implications For Us All)
There are some hints that the outcome of the case was virtually predetermined. When during the trial Scot began to read Qur'anic verses that discriminate against women, a lawyer for the Islamic Council of Victoria, the organization that brought the suit, stopped him: reading the verses aloud, she said, would in itself be religious vilification. Dismayed, Scot replied: "How can it be vilifying to Muslims in the room when I am just reading from the Qur'an?"

Saturday, December 18, 2004

A no-brainer made plain for those with no brains.
A.C.L.U.'s Search for Data on Donors Stirs Privacy Fears
Need one even comment here? ('Cause, like, where would one end?)
Kansas Woman Charged with Kidnapping:
The charge was filed against Lisa M. Montgomery, 36, of Melvern, Kan., who was in possession of a baby girl believed to be the stolen fetus when police found it on Friday.

The most tortured sentence in history.
Bid for handgun ban faces hurdles:
'How many more Michael Moore films does it take to tell us that the Second Amendment is absolutely archaic, and other nations do it better than we do?' said Mirkarimi, who plans to donate or sell his own guns. 'We should absolutely go forward with it despite the constitutional challenges.'

Can one eat enough to vomit enough?
Mark Steyn: In praise of "Jesusland"
If it was ever possible for Steyn to outdo himself...
Cahill: Kerry Camp Underestimated Ads:
Mehlman acknowledged that Democrats scored points against Bush, such as raising the specter of a draft reinstatement, which got the attention of young voters.

'I think that was something that worked. It wasn't true, but it worked,' he said.

Lyin' rat bastards... and they even admit it. See ya in May, Mehlman, when we remind the nation just how badly your team sucks.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I'm Dreaming of a White Kwanzaa
The annual Kwanzaa exposé ...

Monday, December 13, 2004

Emancipation failing as Dutch women stay home
AMSTERDAM — The emancipation of women in the Netherlands has come to a standstill and is failing to meet the government's targets, the Social and Cultural Planning Bureau (SCP) said on Monday.

When the gubmint is far too involved in life...

(I recall some Brit pols lamenting the same "problem" a year or so ago... sad they weren't recouping their education investments...)

Friday, December 10, 2004

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Atkinson defends right to offend (U.K.):
'It all points to the promotion of the idea that there should be a right not to be offended. But in my view the right to offend is far more important than any right not to be offended.

'The right to ridicule is far more important to society than any right not to be ridiculed because one in my view represents openness - and the other represents oppression.'


Sunday, December 05, 2004

Heavy Petting
Singer on bestiality. Abominable.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Bush's Ohio Win Was Closer Than Thought
The most tortured writing (by the AP). Ever.

Thursday, December 02, 2004