Saturday, April 30, 2005 - Local/ Regional News: `I did it out of love': Felony charge for father who spanked son with belt:
``We have too much tolerance for violence in this country,'' said Dr. Kathleen Malley-Morrison, a Boston University professor who specializes in family violence. ``Research shows that if we raise children without spanking them, they look better and they're psychologically healthier.''

Hmmm... an insane person or a PhD... you be the judge.
Why Democrats Lie
A pretty decent rant.
Sheik digs himself into a deeper hole
"A victim of rape every minute somewhere in the world. Why? No one to blame but herself," he said. "She displayed her beauty to the entire world. She degraded herself by being an object of sexual desire."


During the week, Sydney-born Faiz, 34, attempted to justify himself in an interview on Channel Nine, but only dug a deeper hole.

"What I meant is a lady, if she wears any kind of alluring clothes or adorning [sic] clothes or clothes that beautify her beauty, she is eligible for rape." Eligible for rape?


It is hard to accept that such a young man, born and raised in Australia of Lebanese parents, would have so little respect for the rights of women in the culture of his own country.

: |

Friday, April 29, 2005

Doyle vetoes voter ID, school voucher bills
I really don't care for DemocRat positions.
Cops Release Photo in Disney World Child Porn Probe
The linked stories in the thread are horrible.

Sick freaks. Monsters, even. Death penalty material.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

LP: Black Student Sent Hate Mail at U.S. School-Police
Jeepers! Are these issues always always hoaxes now?! Yeesh.
LP: Black Student Sent Hate Mail at U.S. School-Police
Jeepers! Are these issues always always hoaxes now?! Yeesh.
52% back private care, Quebec, B.C., Prairies favour a user-pay alternative: poll:

Michel Kelly-Gagnon, president of the Montreal Economic Institute, which commissioned the poll, said the results reveal a gap between Canadian laws and opinions.

'Unless you're absolutely a communist, you have to agree that, with your disposable after-tax income, you should have the right to consume whatever it is that you want, including private health insurance,' he said.

St. Thomas president denounces Ann Coulter's speech as hateful:

Coulter's booking agent, Walker Hayes, declined Monday to contact her for comment. 'We get this sort of stuff all the time, so we're not the ones to trouble her with that,' he said.

St. Thomas president denounces Ann Coulter's speech as hateful:

Coulter's booking agent, Walker Hayes, declined Monday to contact her for comment. 'We get this sort of stuff all the time, so we're not the ones to trouble her with that,' he said.

BROKEN GATES 'It just doesn't feel like Holland any more'
Personally, I think these folks picked the wrong North American destination.
An awesome quote for the day:

"The fear of God makes heroes, the fear of man makes cowards."
--Tennessee native and Medal of Honor winner Sgt. Alvin C. York
Well, I'm back from an involuntary trip to computer HADES...

And here once again we see the truth behind the "principled dissent" to the Iraq war. That old idolatrous whore... money.


Saddam invested one million dollars in Paul Martin-owned Cordex

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Burger King 911 Call
Missed this one the first time around... verrry funny.
WA Gov. Race: Latest Vote Snafu Alters Focus of Election Fight [Fraud!]:
So far the case focuses on alleged widespread illegal voting by felons and enough errors by election workers to show Gregoire was not the legitimate winner.
CBS Cameraman Shot By US Troops Under Arrest
Worked for SeeBS and the terrorists? (Or is that redundant?)

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Blood-feast in Berkeley
Original/full article here.
Americans Wanted Terri To Live - Zogby
May the lamestream media continue its death throes. Die, LSM, die!