Sunday, August 11, 2002

Bush’s plan to launch invasion of Iraq is totally unjustified, Libertarians say

Iraq surrendered to our terms to end US military action. To achieve those terms of surrender it cost hundreds of American lives.

Some of the specific terms of their surrender were that they would no longer pursue weapons of mass destruction and that they would allow inspectors to verify this to be the case without restriction.

Clearly they have failed to keep their end of the bargain that we honored to end military action. I thought Libertarians were big on contracts and the parties involved obligation to honor them? In a purely logical sense we have an obligation to continue where we left off militarily due to them not honoring the basic principles they surrendered to.

If we don't resume military action then we are seen by the world as being weak, that we can be lied to in seriously grave contracts and we will let the lie stand.

And lastly, Americans paid in blood for Iraq's surrender. To not honor what was achieved in that surrender cheapens their deaths.

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