Monday, April 10, 2006

Democracy and Islamic Law Don't Mix, Iraqi Official Says:
"Islamic or 'sharia' law has 'nothing to do with democracy or human rights,' according to Iyad Jamal Al-Din, and mixing Islam and democracy 'is like mixing Marxists and capitalists.' Al-Din escaped Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime in 1979 but returned and was elected to the Iraqi Parliament last Dec. 15. He addressed an April 6 luncheon sponsored by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Al-Din is an outspoken supporter of the U.S. military's presence in Iraq but is critical of the new Iraqi Constitution, which he complained still relies too heavily on religious principles. Al-Din favors a secularized form of government."

I love this guy. Besides stating the obvious, he's an unimpeachable mouthpiece for that particular reality. (Anyone else would be labeled a bigot.)

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