Thursday, April 06, 2006

Democrats Ripe for Political Embarrassment, But Gutless GOP Would Rather Pander
This is a great Rush Limbaugh rant on spineless RINOs vis a vis illegal immigration. However, within it he segues into this tidbit which mentions that Pubbie shining star Michael Steele:

"-- oh, McKinney is expressing sincere regret for the altercation on the floor of the House right now.

That means the Democrats have taken her to the woodshed. John Lewis told her to shut up and get over this, and Steny Hoyer told her to shut up and get over this. Well, she's a distraction. They're out there trying to prove it's Republicans that are the SOBs, and here she's taking all the oxygen out of that room. I'm going to get into that in due course, because there's a great story here in the Washington Post: 'An internal document prepared by top Democratic strategerists warns that a majority of African-American voters in Maryland are opening up to supporting Republican Senate candidate Michael Steele, and they advise the party not to wait to knock him down,' which means take him out.

Now, when I saw this, this is great news. I'm looking at Cynthia McKinney. Look at the black Republicans here seeking office. You've got Lynn Swann. You got Michael Steele. You got Ken Blackwell, and you go to the Democrat side? You got Cynthia McKinney, and that's why they had to get her on the floor and apologize and try to move this behind them, because she's the wrong face, at all times, at any time for the Democratic Party."

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