Saturday, April 08, 2006

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Cuba? It was great, say boys freed from US prison camp
From the Guardian, no less:

Asadullah strives to make his point, switching to English lest there be any mistaking him. "I am lucky I went there, and now I miss it. Cuba was great," said the 14-year-old, knotting his brow in the effort to make sure he is understood.

Not that Asadullah saw much of the Caribbean island. During his 14-month stay, he went to the beach only a couple of times - a shame, as he loved to snorkel. And though he learned a few words of Spanish, Asadullah had zero contact with the locals.


Tracked down to his remote village in south-eastern Afghanistan, Naqibullah has memories of Guantanamo that are almost identical to Asadullah's. Prison life was good, he said shyly, nervous to be receiving a foreigner to his family's mud-fortress home.

The food in the camp was delicious, the teaching was excellent, and his warders were kind. "Americans are good people, they were always friendly, I don't have anything against them," he said. "If my father didn't need me, I would want to live in America."

Asadullah is even more sure of this. "Americans are great people, better than anyone else," he said, when found at his elder brother's tiny fruit and nut shop in a muddy backstreet of Kabul. "Americans are polite and friendly when you speak to them. They are not rude like Afghans. If I could be anywhere, I would be in America. I would like to be a doctor, an engineer _ or an American soldier."

Gee, they must have been really tortured.

Actually, this jibes well with other things that have been said about "Gitmo" -- that the average inmate gained fifteen pounds, that mothers in their native countries begged for them to not be transferred to local "legal" prisons.

In fact, our problem is that we are too good. Yes, of course, fortunately, especially in a case like this. However, when I read stories of our "infidel" soldiers wearing gloves to hand out Korans to the inmates, I have to shake my head in politically-correctified dismay. Did we hand imprisoned Nazis copies of Mein Kampf"?

Naqibullah, Asadullah and Mohammed Ismail were moved into one large room, which was never locked. They were taught Pashto (their own language), English, Arabic, maths, science, art and, for two months, Islam. "The American soldiers ate pork but they said we must never do that because we were Muslim," said Naqibullah. "They were very strict about Islam."

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