Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hiding Genocide in Kosovo: A Crime Against God And Humanity

Hiding Genocide in Kosovo: A Crime Against God And Humanity

NEW BOOK – available now from The American Council for Kosovo!

Hiding Genocide in Kosovo: A Crime against God and Humanity

by Iseult Henry

Old habits die hard: A yellow cross fixed by German NATO to the door of a Serbian house to show that Christians live there -- but not for long.

Finally, the truth is coming out about the Kosovo jihad and how it has been aided and abetted by NATO, the UN, and the EU. Thanks to Iseult Henry, maybe the shameful and ultimately suicidal support of the Kosovo jihadists by Western powers will finally be ended. -- Robert Spencer, director, Jihad Watch; author of the New York Times Bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad.

Our so-called adversary press, like the U.S. Government, has ignored the plight of Christians in Kosovo. Incredibly, the U.S. and the U.N. are destroying the sovereignty of Serbia in order to create a Muslim state in Europe. This book tells the story suppressed by our media that all Americans need to know. -- Cliff Kincaid, editor, Accuracy in Media.

When one spends nearly a decade writing in isolation about the countless and unending injustices against the Serbs, she forms a habit of second-guessing herself: Am I exaggerating? Am I biased? Could such unadulterated evil really be happening so one-sidedly? And how could the colossal hoax that brought us to it succeed so completely in this day and age? Surely I’ve gotten it all wrong somehow, and the rest of the world is right. Now, thanks to this book by Iseult Henry, we know the truth: the reality is even more unspeakable. With this account of the atrocities visited upon the Christians of Kosovo by the free world-sponsored Muslims of the Balkans, Henry delivers the book that thousands of dead Serbs screaming in silence have been waiting for. Not exactly screaming in silence, for as the author describes, at night the bells at the monastery of St. Uros toll with no one pulling their ropes, and lights appear from no source, sending us a message that despite our best efforts to do so, there is no hiding from our crimes against God and humanity--even in the Balkans. -- Julia Gorin, independent commentator.

More details at the link below:

Hiding Genocide in Kosovo

At a time when the Western powers – foremost among them the United States – prepare what they hope will be an endgame for their predetermined solution to the Serbian question, now comes a searing ray of truth that cuts through the fog of lies in which Kosovo has been shrouded. The work of “Iseult Henry,” the pen name of a current member of the international mission in Kosovo, Hiding Genocide in Kosovo: A Crime against God and Humanity is not a typical book of the current events or international affairs genre. Nor is it a journalistic exposé. It is simply a book of stories, true stories of what has taken place in Kosovo since the end of the 1999 war: shooting, beheading, burning, bomb attack, maiming, rape, abduction, torture, desecration, theft, mutilation, and harassment. While Western policymakers (the U.S., EU, UN, NATO, OSCE, etc.) delude themselves that they are buying the goodwill of the Muslim world by the sacrifice of a small Christian community in Kosovo, the perpetrators know this is yet another step toward Islamic dominance of all Europe. This is a struggle for the soul and future not just for Kosovo, not just for Serbia, but for an entire continent.

-- from the Publisher's Foreword by Jim Jatras, Director of The American Council for Kosovo.

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