Monday, July 02, 2007


Here's an interesting FReeper post in response to the story posted below:

Liberals have never won a war or defended themselves from an approaching war - never. We are smack in the middle of another world war with an enemy advancing steadily across the world - and liberals refuse to acknowledge it and refuse to let others defend themselves. It will take the loss of many lives and the near destruction of our country, before conservatives get enough support to declare war and end this mess. Ultimately, after many Americans are slaughtered in their sleep, on the streets, in churches, schools or at work, we will fight back. By then millions will have to die as we are forced to invade and defeat jihadists one country at a time. The heart of the cancer used to reside in Iraq and Syria. Then the liberals gave Iran to the enemy. From and with Iran funding, the war has spread world wide. Despite the liberal rhetoric that Bush lied and people died, the truth will be that liberals lied, millions ansd millions will die and the whole world will cry.

8 posted on 07/01/2007 9:51:22 AM CDT by ghostrider

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