Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Army Recruiting Shooting Suspect Had Been Under FBI Investigation|Channel 7 News

Little Rock - (ABC News) The suspect, arrested in the fatal shooting of one soldier and the critical injury of another at a West Little Rock Army recruiting center was under investigation by the FBI's Joint Terrorist Task Force since his return from Yemen.

Authorities told ABC news that the investigation was in its preliminary stages, and was based on the suspects travel to Yemen and his arrest there for using a Somali passport. A recent convert to Islam, it was unknown what path the subject, a US citizen, had followed to radicalization.

According to law enforcement sources, when 24 year old Carlos Leon Bledsoe, who recently changed his name to Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, did not resist arrest shortly after the shooting .

When the subject vehicle was stopped, the suspect immediately surrendered and advised officers that he had a bomb in the vehicle. Bomb techs were dispatched and no explosive devices were identified. Upon inspection of the subject vehicle, officers found approximately more than one hundred rounds of ammunition, an SKS assault rifle, 2 pistols, and 2 military books.


Army Recruiting Shooting Suspect Had Been Under FBI Investigation|Channel 7 News

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