Friday, June 05, 2009

Boortz Takes On the Pubbies ::: OH YEAH, THIS IS GOING TO WORK WONDERS

There's really nothing to argue with here. Lots of cause for head-shaking disbelief, tho'.


The Republicans just don't seem to get it. They are too busy fighting petty arguments and being "against" the Democrats, and they can't seem to get any freakin' ideas of their own. Why would Americans want to join a party that doesn't have any ideas, any purpose, any vision? Even if you don't agree with the Democrats' plans - universal healthcare, cap-and-trade, card check - at least they HAVE ideas. Being in the "minority" is not an excuse. If anything, this should be THE time for Republicans to start coming up with innovative initiatives to its party energized. But instead, they come up with stunts like this .....

Republicans in the House have decided to form a caucus to fight liberal media bias. The Media Fairness Caucus will "point out unfair stories, meet with members of the media, and write op-eds and letters to the editor to highlight media bias."

The caucus will be beaded by Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, who says that media bias is the "greatest threat to our democracy today ... because, if the American people can't get good information, can't get the facts, and can't make good decisions, then we simply don't have a viable democracy ...Right now I think they are not getting the facts and therefore it's hard to make good decisions, and therefore our democracy is threatened."

OK, Lamar. Listen up.

First ... we aren't a democracy. Read the documents of our heritage. Study on this one a bit. We're a representative republic. There's a big difference, and it involves the rule of man vs. the rule of law. How can you work to protect us if you don't know what we are.

Second ... the greatest threat to our republic today is teacher's unions, not the media.

Third ... I don't want liberals in fighting right wing media bias, and I don't want conservatives in congress fighting the leftist media. Leave that to the folks who consume the news Organizations like Media Research Center are handling the job quite well enough without your or the government's interference.


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