Thursday, June 11, 2009

RealClearPolitics Video: Sotomayor: "I Am A Product Of Affirmative Action"

I wasn't able to embed the video here - sorry - but I must say that listening to her here she does come across as well-spoken and intelligent (although the content isn't so much...).

I just wish she wasn't such an identity politics adherent. I really really despise that stuff.

She was born in America, yet I have never heard her express any sense of gratitude for, or joy in, that. (Reminder... I'm a naturalized citizen.)

Affirmative action seeks only to promulgate these issues, and in fact, in this video, Sotomayor repeats the 'SATs are racist' claim.

White people fail tests too.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Sotomayor: "I Am A Product Of Affirmative Action"

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