Tuesday, June 30, 2009

U2's 360 Tour Opens Tonight in Barcelona!

I'll be seeing them in October and I cannot wait!!!

Via email:

U2's 360 Tour opens in Barcelona tonight. You've never seen anything like it... and U2.com will be covering every show as it happens.

During rehearsals in Ireland and Spain Adam's been shooting us some very fine video. No better way to get in the mood for the tour, sit back and enjoy all 21 clips.

It's the first time the band have toured the songs from 'No Line on the Horizon' and fans waiting outside Camp Nou here in Barcelona have been telling us the songs they want in the set list. Travelling through Europe this summer and arriving in North America in September, this is a tour that promises to be something special - a breathtaking in-the-round stage production which breaks new ground for stadium shows. Check back in with us later for the first reports, photos and video.

Word is that the band have rehearsed more than 30 songs - check out our new Digital Download Store see if you can predict what they might play.

One track is a dead cert - their 2001 hit 'Walk On' is set to be a centrepiece. The song was written for Aung San Suu Kyi, sometimes known as 'Asia's Nelson Mandela'. Her party won elections in Burma in 1990 but the military refused to hand over power and since then she has spent most of her time under house arrest. Every night on tour fans are being invited to wear the Aung San Suu Kyi Mask when the band play Walk On, a sign that she and the people of Burma are not forgotten. Read our story and download your own mask.

If you want to be close to the tour, wherever you live in the world, stay in touch with U2.com in the coming days.

best wishes
The U2.com Team

U2.com > News > Countdown to 360

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