Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Egads! Look What's Now Considered a Graphic, Inappropriate Image in Cali

I believe that pictures of aborted babies are graphic, and I probably wouldn't be upset if one couldn't wear a shirt with such on it to school. (And, yes, I understand that the procedure is even more graphic so relax...)

However, I think this depiction is rather clever. But it's still too much for pro-choicers (get it?).

A California mom says her public school administrators violated her daughter's First Amendment rights when they ordered the seventh-grader to take off her pro-life T-shirt.

Anna Amador has gone to court on behalf of her daughter, who she says was ordered by her principal to change her shirt on "National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day." The shirt the girl was wearing displays two graphic pictures of a fetus growing in the womb.


The school district sought to get the case thrown out due to "failure to state a cognizable claim," but a U.S. Eastern District Court judge ruled last month that all but one of Amador's claims could go forward.

The complaint quotes school district officials saying that they ordered Amador's daughter to remove the shirt because it constituted "inappropriate subject matter" in violation of the school's dress code, which bans clothing with "suggestion of tobacco, drug or alcohol use, sexual promiscuity, profanity, vulgarity, or other inappropriate subject matter."

Amador claims in the legal complaint that other students at the school have been allowed to wear expressive shirts, and she blames the school for “inconsistently applying their Dress Code based upon subjective determinations as to which messages are acceptable and which messages are not.”

One of the girl's lawyers, Mark A. Thiel, said that the images on her shirt of a fetus in the womb were same as those in her science textbooks. He said no student had complained about the shirt, and he said the girl's parents were not called when the incident took place.

Read the whole piece here:

Seventh Grader Sues School Over Right to Wear Pro-Life T-Shirt - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

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