Friday, July 10, 2009

Is yours on the list? ::: Twenty-three AGs tell Holder no dice on semi-auto ban renewal

Mine is.

Boo to the 27 who aren't.

The 23 state Attorneys General who signed the letter are:
Arkansas – Dustin McDaniel
Alabama - Troy King
Colorado - John W. Suthers
Florida - Bill McCollum
Georgia - Thurbert E. Baker
Idaho - Lawrence G. Wasden
Kansas - Steve Six
Kentucky - Jack Conway
Louisiana - James D. Caldwell
Michigan - Mike Cox
Missouri - Chris Koster
Montana - Steve Bullock
Oklahoma - W.A. Edmonson
Nebraska - Jon Bruning
Nevada - Catherine Cortez Masto
New Hampshire - Kelly A. Ayotte
North Dakota - Wayne Stenehjem
South Carolina - Henry McMaster
South Dakota - Lawrence Long
Texas - Greg Abbott
Utah - Mark L. Shurtleff
Wisconsin – J.B. Van Hollen
Wyoming - Bruce A. Salzburg

Whole story here:
Twenty-three AGs tell Holder no dice on semi-auto ban renewal

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