Thursday, July 09, 2009

LOL! Always look to the UK before you spend our money, please ::: [R]eforms see pupils reject ["better"] school food

How perfectly timely.

When it comes to gun control, healthcare control, and school lunch control, I wish the administration would look to the motherland we rejected to see what a waste of time and money people control is.

Do we really need to have another revolution when we're blessed with the information age? Come on, Obama administration, try a little web surfing before you try and implement another one of your cockamamie ideas.

Jamie Oliver reforms see pupils reject school food

Nicola Woolcock

The number of children having school meals has stalled after the increase in nutritional standards pioneered by Jamie Oliver, official figures show today.

Only a third of secondary age pupils eating a cooked lunch on the premises while the overall percentage of pupils eating school meals fell at both primary and secondary level compared with 2008.

Participation has decreased ever since the standard of food rose following Oliver’s ’School Dinners’ campaign which resulted in the banning of Turkey Twizzlers and daily helpings of chips.

The School Food Trust, a Government agency responsible for improving the quality and take-up of school meals, claimed a victory because the figures rose marginally when comparing schools that had used exactly the same method of calculation last year.

But the figures are an embarrassment for the Government, which pledged three years ago to achieve an increase of 10 percentage points in the number of children eating school meals, by this autumn - a target that has been missed whichever set of data is used.


Jamie Oliver reforms see pupils reject school food - Times Online

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