Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Zing! ::: Obama Poster Artist Throws a Joker in the Racial Profiling Deck


By Johnny Simpson
According to MSNBC, LA Weekly, the SF Chronicle and the Washington Post, the mystery artist who created the sensational Obama Joker image was a racist hood-wearing Darth Cheney-like Klansman. How about a young liberal Palestinian-American Kucinich fan?
I'm sure you're all aware now of the unmasking of the infamous Obama Joker poster artist. But before we get back to Faris Alkhateeb, the liberal Dennis Kucinich-admiring twenty-year-old Palestinian-American history major now attending the University of Illinois in the President's own backyard, and who created that sensational image out of pure boredom and mischief, let us take a walk down Memory Lane and address the Lefty Myths and Urbane Legends. First up, mythmaker Steve Mikulan of the LA Weekly, who saw Republicans "in the throes of political orgasms" and ropes below the makeup: "The only thing missing is a noose." No, Steve. The only thing missing is a keffiyeh. Curious. Will this revelation of the Palestinian aspect of Mr. Alkhateeb's identity have liberal Lefty ObamaBots rethinking the dreaded "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims" axiom? Perhaps even consider cutting off stimulus spending for Hamas and Gaza? Don't laugh. Hell Hath No Fury like a Liberal Lefty scorned. But I DO believe Mr. Mikulan, who also went on at length and off the rails with his follow-up "It's All About Race" owes both Cheney and the Klan an apology. It wasn't all about race after all. God only knows what secret Death Star hideaway Mr. Mikulan can find Darth Cheney. But I do believe the Klan is well represented in Congress by Sen. Robert C. Byrd. Perhaps Mr. Mikulan can start his Apology Tour there. Next up, Mr. Philip Kennicot of the Washington Post, from whom Bad Whitey emanations regarding the sinister Obama Joker artist flowed like wine all the way to MSNBC from his "Racial Fear's Ugly Face" oped:
The new Obama poster has two basic thrusts. Obama is a socialist, or a crypto-socialist. And Obama is somehow like the Joker, unpredictable and dangerous. But joining these two messages together yields more questions and contradictions than good poster art can sustain.
Curiously, Mr. Kennicott saw a Bush Joker poster drawn by Drew Friedman as not only sustainable art, but "a view of Bush popular among his detractors, that the former president was unpredictable and fast on the draw when it came to geopolitics." Could not one argue that President Obama is being fast on the draw when it comes to Socialism? The rest of Mr. Kennicot's lengthy essay on stoking racial fear in politics is quite a read, knowing what we know now about the Obama Joker artist's true multicultural identity. If you throw in the San Francisco Chronicle's Rich Lieberman and his racial slamming of the Obama Joker artist (as well as the usual Lefty equivocations for similar Bush art), I'd say they got this whole Closet KKK Boogeyman Propagandist Thing about as wrong as they could get it. In fact, given the startling revelation, hasn't the Obama Joker poster been a veritable psychological Rorschach Test for Lefty yellow journalists? A projection onto the mystery artist of their own unreasonable and deep-seated prejudices and biases toward hated white conservatives? And make no mistake, they ARE deep-seated. In fact, they're endemic.

Read the rest here:
Opinion: Obama Poster Artist Throws a Joker in the Racial Profiling Deck

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