Monday, October 05, 2009

They Still Haven't Figured It Out ::: NYT Scrubs Major Portion of Original Obama-Olympics Article

Are they really that dense at The New York Times? Have they really not yet realized that they no longer control the news? Apparently not.

When the original Obama-Olympics story came out it caused quite a stir due to its lack of the regular O'butt-kissing we've all gotten so used to. And once it's out there... well... it's out there.

From NewsBusters:

Those who read the New York Times's coverage of the unsuccessful results of Barack and Michelle Obama's attempt to seal the 2016 Summer Olympics bid for Chicago on Friday afternoon ('For Obama, an Unsuccessful Campaign") might want to read it again.

If it doesn't seem the same, it's because it isn't.

Blogger Weasel Zippers (HT Hot Air Headlines via Instapundit) caught the Times committing a major scrub of the story. But it's really worse than that.

An excerpt of the item's first five paragraphs posted at FreeRepublic at 4:44 Eastern Time on October 2 shows that the article was apparently originally published under the same title with Peter Baker's byline Friday sometime Friday afternoon.

See the side-by-sides here:Lame Gray Lady: NYT Scrubs Major Portion of Original Obama-Olympics Article, Inserts Meeting with McChrystal |

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