Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Terrorists... The Other White Meat ::: Two armed militants mauled to death by bear after setting up hideout in its den

Can you make this stuff up?

Two armed Muslim insurgents picked the wrong cave to hide out in after they were both killed by a bear.

The men were carrying AK-47 assault rifles as they sought refuge in Indian administered Kashmir, but were taken by surprise by the giant carnivore.

Two other militants were also injured by the Himalayan black bear, but managed to escape and make their way to a village near Srinagar.

The attack is thought to be the first such incident since Muslim separatists launched its campaign against Indian rule in 1989.

Police even found the remains of pudding the men had prepared before the bear attacked the group.

Farooq Ahmed, a police officer, said the militants had made their hideout in the bear's den.

The two dead, members of Hizbul Mujahedin, have been identified as Mohammad Amin - known as Qaiser - and district commander Bashir Ahmed, alias Saifullah.

Colonel Brar, Srinagar defence spokesman, said: 'Both bodies were mauled badly by some wild animal, and apparently by a bear, as the area is inhabited by Himalayan black bear.

'The attack seems to have been so violent that both the militants got no chance to fire back at the wild animal.'

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