Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Who's Shocked? ::: Pelosi Plan Makes Millions of People Pay Fines

Just like the tobacco funding of CHIP requires 10s of millions new smokers...

By: Ernest Istook

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s healthcare plan presumes that about 8-14 million American workers will pay fines rather than buy health insurance. Unless they do, there’s a $167-billion hole in her financing plan and everything falls apart.

Like the rest of us, this group would face higher-than-ever insurance prices under Pelosi’s proposed bill.

Speaker Pelosi, President Obama, and others claim they will make coverage cheaper, yet the official projection relies upon millions who would prefer to pay fines rather than join their system. In some cases the individuals would pay the penalty; in others their employers would pay; and sometimes both.

The estimate of 8-14 million who would be fined is based on the official projections made by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The plan is built around a major contradiction. Only if it fails to make insurance more affordable would the bill generate the promised $167-billion by fining people who would still remain uninsured.

Why would this happen? Because insurance would become more expensive if the legislation passes, thus increasing the disincentives to buy coverage.

Premiums under the new government-run “public option” will probably be higher than from private insurance, according to the CBO (page 6 of its report). The Associated Press reports that “premiums in the public plan would be higher than the average for private plans.” Rather than inducing private carriers to lower their premiums, other experts agree that private insurance will also be costlier under Pelosi’s plan, as insurers pass along the bill’s tax increases.

Yet Speaker Pelosi claims the measure will bring “lower costs for every patient” by “lowering healthcare costs for all of us.” President Obama campaigned on a promise that the plan would save families $2,500 a year in lower premiums. He doesn’t mention that figure anymore.

The exact number of those who will pay fines is unknown, but it is huge. Here’s how the projection of 8-14 million was calculated, based on the CBO report...

Read the rest here:Pelosi Plan Makes Millions of People Pay Fines

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