Tuesday, March 01, 2011

No Surprise Here ::: John Galliano fired by Dior in wake of 'I love Hitler' video | Ministry of Gossip | Los Angeles Times

What a wake-up call for such an insanely arrogant man.

"In light of the deeply offensive statements and conduct by John Galliano [in that video], Christian Dior has commenced termination procedures against him," the company said in a statement, also quoting Chief Executive Sidney Toledano: "We unequivocally condemn the statements made by John Galliano which are in total contradiction to the longstanding core values of Christian Dior."

I'm sure more will come from this... there is no 1st Amendment in France.

John Galliano fired by Dior in wake of 'I love Hitler' video | Ministry of Gossip | Los Angeles Times

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