Thursday, March 24, 2011

Quote Of The Week (from Matthew Vadum) ::: Bill Maher Calls Sarah Palin a Female Vulgarism, NOW Stays Mum -

There are two awesome things about this article. One is this hilarious statement:

The National Organization for Women (NOW) refused to comment on Maher’s use of the derogatory term. A rep told it is a “known fact” that NOW does not correspond with FOX News.

See, girls? Even no statement is funny. And, yes, the joke is still on you.

The whole article is great, and worth the read, but Matthew Vadum's statement is so chock full of fabulous I must repost it as often as possible. It really makes me lol.

"Bill Maher feels he can get away with such jaw-droppingly offensive verbal attacks on Sarah Palin because virtually the entire media-academia-entertainment complex agrees with him,” Vadum said. “Clinging to their political correctness and disdain for her quintessentially American values, the left-wing cocktail circuit regards Palin as a punch line.”

If "media-academia-entertainment complex" doesn't become the standard descrip, I will be so disappointed.

Bill Maher Calls Sarah Palin a Female Vulgarism, NOW Stays Mum -

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