Monday, April 03, 2006

Manager who accidently threw copies of Quran in trash flees Bahrain:
"A EUROPEAN manager at a major restaurant who allegedly desecrated the Holy Quran has fled the country, it was revealed yesterday.

A lawsuit against the manager has been filed by MP Mohammed Khalid Mohammed at the Public Prosecutor, which issued a warrant for his arrest.

The employer told the GDN last week that the man was sacked on the spot because of the offence caused when he threw translations from the Quran into a waste bin in front of Muslim colleagues.

The manager disposed of copies of translations from the Quran by mistake that were distributed by Discover Islam during the Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix and left on one of the desks by some customers.

He admitted being guilty, but he said it was unintentional.

Shaikh Mohammed said that Interpol should bring the manager to justice like any other criminal.

'I don't care where this manager is, the only thing that matters is for him to be brought back to the country to face the punishment he deserves,' he said.

'This is a serious matter and the government shouldn't rest until this man is punished.

'He should have been arrested a long time ago, but everyone knows about the bureaucracy in this country.

'This person has made a mockery of Muslims and Islam and should get the severest punishment possible, but first he should be brought back.

'I am very angry and I will not breathe a sigh of relief until he is behind bars.'"

Unbelievable. And I thought Bahrain was less militant.

Oh, and I'm sure Interpol will get right on it.

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