Monday, April 03, 2006

To Soon To See 9/11? Its Been Too Long (El Rushbo On The Forthcoming United 93 Movie Alert):
There's some really great stuff in this one:

"Too soon? It's been too long! People have forgotten what it's all about. This movie would serve the purpose of reminding everybody why we are in the posture that we're in, why we have to assume the responsibilities, and why it's crucial who leads the nation in future years in this effort. You know, I just think this is just typical of many in the American left. Oh, they can huff and puff, go out and show Fahrenheit 9/11 all day long, they can go watch that. They can go watch garbage and lies that their documentarians and so-called comedians make and it's never too soon to watch any of that. We can go watch all these movies that try to prove Bush lied and that Bush was in this for oil and that all this is trumped up and fake and phony and unnecessary. Let reality rear its head, 'Oh, no, I can't be confronted with reality, why, that is too soon, too painful.' It's not just a New York mentality."

And this call:

CALLER: Good morning, Rush. Thanks for taking my call.

RUSH: You bet, sir.

CALLER: To me, Flight 93 was a defining moment in the sense that the hijack victims of Flight 93, when they understood what was going on, changed themselves into the Flight 93 militia and fired the shot heard around the world, the beginning of the war against Al-Qaeda, followed by Congress and Bush officially declaring that same war. To me, this is something that I think is probably -- since 1776 we haven't had a moment like this. These victims said "We will be victims no more," they became soldiers, men and women alike, shoulder to shoulder, and took on Al-Qaeda and said, "You will not succeed," and they took down that plane, and I think it's marvelous.

RUSH: And they were heroes.

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: They were heroes in the process.

And this one:

CALLER: I really appreciate your show, Rush. You are my life preserver.

RUSH: Well, I float really well, sir. Thanks for saying that, that's very nice of you.

CALLER: I just wanted to say that I think the people on Flight 93 accomplished more in a few minutes than the Democrats have accomplished in four or five years --

RUSH: Ooh!

CALLER: -- to fight terrorism.

RUSH: I like it! I like it!

CALLER: I have a slightly different take on Flight 93 than Amy. I can appreciate her view, as I think a lot of people feel that way, and it's tragic the loss of life, but for the people to know what the probable consequences were and to get up out of their seats, I mean that's the true definition of courage. And that is what has fueled this country, whether you're talking about, you know, the Marines on Iwo Jima or soldiers, sailors, airmen over in Iraq right now, that even though they're scared and even they know that the end is coming, they still were able to fight through. That just motivates the heck out of me. I appreciate the loss of life. But, you know, the Vikings had a saying that, "My days are already written out on the skins of time, and all that is left to me is to die bravely." And that's what those people did.


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