Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Chavez orders supporters to give up extra possessions

Chavez orders supporters to give up extra possessions

CARACAS, Venezuela (Reuters) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez told his supporters to give away possessions they do not need such as an extra refrigerator because he only wants true socialists to be members of a new single party he is forming.

"Whoever has a fridge they do not need, put it out in the village square. Whoever has a truck, a fan or a cooker they do not need, give something away. Let's not be selfish. I demand you do it," Chavez said at a milk producing cooperative, in remarks released on Monday.

The anti-U.S. president who calls Cuban leader Fidel Castro his mentor denies he is turning the OPEC nation of avid consumers into another communist state as his critics say.

"I only want to be accompanied by true socialists," he said.

Chavez's critics complain his constant railing against U.S.-promoted consumerism contrasts with the behavior of senior government officials who can can be seen dining out at fancy restaurants or riding around in expensive cars.

(Excerpt) Read more at cnn.com ...

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