Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Voters Want Smaller Steps to Immigration Reform With Focus on Enforcement (Fax to your Senator)

Voters Want Smaller Steps to Immigration Reform With Focus on Enforcement (Fax to your Senator)

Just 20% of American voters want Congress to try and pass the immigration reform bill that failed in the Senate last week. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 51% would like their legislators to “take smaller steps towards reform” while 16% believe they should wait until next year. The survey was conducted on Monday and Tuesday night as the President was publicly attempting to rally support for the legislation.

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters would favor an approach that focuses exclusively on “exclusively on securing the border and reducing illegal immigration.” Support for the enforcement only approach comes from 84% of Republicans, 55% of Democrats, and 69% of those not affiliated with either major party.

Overall, just 21% are opposed to the enforcement-only approach.

Just 30% would favor legislation that focused “exclusively on legalizing the status of undocumented workers already living in the United States.” Fifty-seven percent (57%) oppose that strategy, including 63% of Republicans, 52% of Democrats, and 55% of unaffiliated voters.

Fifty-seven percent (57%) favor a proposal giving “all illegal aliens up to three years to leave the United States. After leaving, the illegal aliens would have to get in line and wait their turn for legal entry into the United States.” Support for that concept comes from 67% of Republicans, 49% of Democrats, and 56% of unaffiliated voters.

The Senate immigration reform bill that failed last week was far more popular in Congress than among the American people. It was strongly opposed by a cross-section of the nation’s voters. At the end, just 23% of voters favored the legislation.

When the immigration debate dominates the news, the President’s Job Approval ratings generally tumble. This week is no exception. The morning after a much publicized lunch meeting aimed at encouraging Republican Senators to vote for the “comprehensive” reform measure, the President’s Job Approval fell to 33%. That matches the lowest level recorded to this point in time.

Arizona Senator John McCain (R) has also been hurt by the debate over immigration. McCain has been one of the legislation’s most vocal supporters and was once considered the dominant frontrunner for the Republican Presidential nomination. Now, however, just 11% of Likely GOP Primary Voters name McCain as their top choice. In his home state of Arizona, McCain is viewed favorably by just 47% of voters.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) has seen his Favorability ratings slide to 19% during the recent debate. A month ago, he was viewed favorably by 26%.

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