Sunday, August 12, 2007

Needs Of The Many: Mexico Finally Apologizes to Miss USA For Behaving Like Asshats

Needs Of The Many: Mexico Finally Apologizes to Miss USA For Behaving Like Asshats
LOVE Ted and David. Good on you, guys! xo

Miss USA (Rachel Smith)

Remember when Miss USA was booed by Mexicans during the Miss Universe pageant?

Yeah, they finally got around to apologizing to her nearly three months later.


A Mexican tourism official issued an apology for the jeers aimed at Miss USA in May during an international beauty contest in Mexico City.

Rachel Smith, the U.S. entrant into the Miss Universe competition, was booed by some of the audience after she slipped and fell during an evening-gown competition. Her fall and the audience reaction briefly attracted international attention.

Gabriel Szekely, chief of staff for Mexico's tourism department, wrote in a letter that he regretted the "unfortunate events" of the pageant.

"We understand the concern of the people of the United States about the incorrect behavior of a small group that attended the event," Szekely wrote. "We apologize for the inconvenience, and be sure that Miss Rachel Smith will always be welcome in Mexico."

Uh, I hate to break it to this guy but it was NOT a small group that booed Ms. Smith. It was damn near the whole audience, and that isn't counting all of the harassment she endured the whole time she was in Mexico both prior and post competition.

It was a nice try to assign blame to small fringe group of idiots rather than the very large number of Mexicans who behaved like the imbeciles they are though.

So why did Mexico finally apologize after all of this time? Was it that they've been having trouble sleeping at night? Could it have been a large number of good Mexicans writing letters, and making phone calls describing how embarrassed they were at the conduct of the countrymen? Of course not ... it was because two "homeless advocates" complained.

The letter was addressed to Los Angeles homeless activist Ted Hayes. It came after Hayes and a second activist, David Hernandez, complained to Ruben Beltran, the city's consul general of Mexico. It has been forwarded to Smith.

Well leave it to a couple of homeless advocates to get the job done. It is sad that it took the efforts of these two to get the Mexican government to behave better than their citizens, but I'm grateful for their effort.

In closing ... while a representative of Mexico's government said Ms. Smith is welcome in Mexico anytime ... the Mexican people made it clear that she is not. I would never set foot in that country again if I were her.

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