Sunday, August 12, 2007

No action to be taken against householder over intruder fall

No action to be taken against householder over intruder fall
Follow-up article, and an attack of common sense:

Police said: "The 56-year-old man from Chorlton, who was arrested on suspicion of section 18 assault, has had his bail cancelled and no further action will be taken against him."

A householder arrested after a suspected burglar died falling from the top floor window of his flat will have no further action taken against him, police confirmed today.

Patrick Walsh, 56, awoke in the early hours of last Monday to find an intruder in his flat on Corkland Road in Chorlton-cum-Hardy, south Manchester.

Police said "following an exchange of words", the 43-year-old suspect fell from the fourth floor window on to the pavement below.

He suffered massive injuries from the fall and died in hospital on Thursday.

Mr Walsh was arrested and questioned by detectives while forensic officers conducted a detailed examination of his flat.

He was bailed until November, but police have now concluded no further action against him is necessary.

A post-mortem examination revealed the dead man died from injuries conducive with a fall and they are not treating the death as suspicious. The case has been passed to the coroner.

A spokeswoman for Greater Manchester Police said: "The 56-year-old man from Chorlton, who was arrested on suspicion of section 18 assault, has had his bail cancelled and no further action will be taken against him."

Victor Wozny, Mr Walsh's solicitor, said today his client did not want to comment on the matter.

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