Monday, June 15, 2009

Flopping Aces: Obama AWOL on Iran


In the next few days demonstrations in Iran may grow, or they may fizzle. A moment is at hand that could bring new freedom to Iran and new hopes for peace to the region and the world. So, I must ask the question: Where is the President of the United States?

For years, the United States government, under both political parties, has long sought a positive change in government in Iran that would make it possible to move beyond the Mad Mullahs obsession with terrorism and death. Solving the problem of Iran is a keystone to change throughout the region. Now is the most opportune moment to push forward with welcome statements of support for positive change in Iran.

Thus far, the only official statement from the White House is this:

Statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the Iranian Election
The White House
June 13, 2009

Like the rest of the world, we were impressed by the vigorous debate and enthusiasm that this election generated, particularly among young Iranians. We continue to monitor the entire situation closely, including reports of irregularities.

That’s it. Nothing since about the clear longing for freedom and democracy being expressed in the streets. Not a word about the clear fraud that took place in the election.

Obama’s speech in Cairo said nothing about the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people we now see so vividly on display. The entire section related to Iran was focused solely on how Obama would deal with the current leadership “without preconditions” on the issues such as nuclear development, which he all but sanctioned.

Democracy was mentioned in Obama’s speech, but in a vague, general way. Wouldn’t now be a good time to apply those broad principles in a specific context?


Flopping Aces � Blog Archive � Obama AWOL on Iran

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