Monday, June 15, 2009

Good thing they won! ::: At Least 25 Lakers Fans Arrested After Near-Riot

I was so happy when I left L.A. for Austin. You can take your children to a post-victory celebration in Austin.

= )

LOS ANGELES — Hundreds celebrated in the streets outside Staples Center after the Los Angeles Lakers' NBA title win Sunday night, with some revelers damaging police cruisers, throwing rocks and bottles at officers and setting bonfires in the street, authorities said.

About 25 people were arrested, most part of a rowdy crowd that split off on to surrounding streets after police declared the gathering an unlawful assembly, officer Karen Rayner said.

Several police cruisers were damaged and reinforcement officers were called in from throughout the city to help disperse the crowd, Rayner said.

Los Angeles police said five officers were hit by debris and had minor injuries.

At Least 25 Lakers Fans Arrested After Near-Riot - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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