Monday, June 01, 2009

Frozen Embryos are People (Check out this beautiful little girl)


[T]this wide-eyed toddler was born an astonishing 11 years after she was conceived through fertility treatment. As an embryo, she remained frozen in time for more than a decade as her parents' increasingly desperate attempts to have a baby were dashed.

Finally, in December 2005 Debbie and Colin Moran-Simmonds agreed to have their embryos defrosted - and Debbie became pregnant with Shani.

It's believed she is one of the world's oldest frozen babies - or 'Frosties' as they are known. And for Debbie, a 39-year-old legal secretary, and Colin, a 44-year-old company director, her birth is nothing short of a miracle.

Debbie says: 'When Shani was born and I held my own baby in my arms at last, I just couldn't believe it. I just kept looking at her, kissing her, taking in her wonderful baby smell.

'I didn't know that I would ever know happiness like it - or that such joy could follow such devastation.'

In her bid to become a mother, Debbie endured 18 years of disappointment, undergoing two operations on her fallopian tubes and suffering one ectopic pregnancy and four failed attempts at IVF. It was almost 11 years after an original batch of embryos were conceived and frozen that she and Colin decided to have one final attempt at parenthood.

She says: 'Whenever I hear Shani calling "Mummy", I think how lucky I am just to hear that word. She is a walking, talking miracle. It's incredible to think she was lying frozen for all that time, as our lives and our dreams were falling apart. But it almost feels like she was just waiting for the right time to join us.

'I sometimes look as her as she plays with her little teddy, and I imagine her as the teenager she could have been. It's incredible to think that she could have been the same child, but growing up in an entirely different decade.

'Her birth followed years of heartache - but she is worth all that agony.'


This girl is 14 years old: Toddler Shani Moran-Simmonds is nearly three... but she was conceived over a decade ago and her embryo frozen | Mail Online

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