Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Will Obama Send US Marshals to Military Recruiting Centers? I'm Waiting...

When Barack Obama came out with a denunciation of George Tiller's murder, I thought it was a political mistake. When I heard that US Marshals had been sent to protect abortion clinics, I thought it was overkill.

However he did set a precedent.

24 hours later two military recruits were gunned down in Little Rock by a Black Muslim convert, resulting in the death of one and the critical injury of the other.

Is the life of an abortionist worth more to the president than a new military recruit? Are abortion clinics more vital to American life than recruitment centers? It's starting to look that way.

Posted on Mon Jun 1 17:24:35 2009 by kristinn

In another slap to America's men and women serving in the armed forces, Barack Obama has ignored the fatal shooting attack on an Army-Navy recruiting center in Little Rock this morning that killed one serviceman and wounded another.

Yesterday, Obama issued a sharply worded statement condemning the shooting of late-term abortionist George Tiller withing hours of his murder and Obama's Justice Department has ordered U.S. Marshalls to deploy at abortion clinincs to give them protection.

Seven hours after the attack on the recruiting center, the same length of time it took Obama to issue a statement on the Tiller murder, there has been no statement from the commander-in-chief of the slain and wounded servicemen.

One of Obama's core constituencies is radical abortion supporters, not Americans in uniform. The contrast in his reactions to the two murderous attacks is chilling for those who support our fellow Americans in our armed forces.

Tiller was killed at 10 a.m. CDT Sunday, Obama issued his statement about seven hours later at 6 p.m. EDT.

The attack on the recruiting center happened around 10 a.m. CDT today. As of this writing at 6 p.m. EDT, there are no news reports of any statement by Obama on the murderous attack on our military.

Obama Ignores Soldier's Murder at Recruiting Center; Reacted Quickly to Abortionist's Killing

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