Monday, February 04, 2002

Acting on dare, boy, 7, jumps from fourth-floor window
What Every Christian Should Know About Islam

This little book is available exclusively through my radio talk show. The cost is only $5, plus $2 shipping. If you order four or more, shipping is free. Order several and give them to members of your church or other friends. While you are at it, please give one to your pastor. The supply is limited so order yours today. We do not take credit cards. Send checks or Money Orders to:

Chuck Baldwin Live
P.O. Box 37070
Pensacola, FL 32526

What Every Christian Should Know About Islam
A Liberal Tragedy
This Drug Ad A Hard Sell

Saturday, February 02, 2002

Clerk opens fire during attempted holdup
Lynne Cheney Advocates 'Teach-Ins'(Younger Americans don't know history to fully appreciate FReedom)
Saudi Dailies Attack Bush Speech as Bid for World Domination
No place for political correctness in film
High profile couple never pairs church and state: Van Susteren A Scientologist
President surprises women's activists
Yet more assaults on Christianity
Banned in Boston - A transit authority censors drug war dissenters
Caught off guard: Pope's divorce comments draw vociferous outcry
Federal Work Force Mirrors Demographic Makeup of America - Except When It Comes to Hispanics
Does even God know the future?

Friday, February 01, 2002

Chinese Woman Who Underwent Forced Abortion Accuses UNFPA
White Like Me
The Stealth Religion
The Cross vs. the Swastika
NY Attorney General Tries to Downplay Hype Around Pregnancy Center Inquiry
TWA Flight 800 - Someone Has Finally Talked!
Memo to Clinton: No, you can't buy me a drink.
CAPTION THIS: What If They Held a Protest and Nobody Showed Up?
New E-Mail From Kidnappers Extends Reporter's Execution: PEARL ONTO SHOE-BOMBER, CONTACT KILLED
President wins friends in Democratic territory--Some students like him even if parents don't


:: Rebel Evolution ::

2005 Liberty Film Festival Short-Doc Nomination: :: Sealed For Your Protection ::

:: Boomerang ::

:: Fort Hood Documentary

Remembering A Massacre

:: Sarah Palin Rocks Texas

for Governor Perry

:: Texas Starts with T

The Tea Party in 12 Easy Minutes

Clips and Interviews

:: Governor Rick Perry:

On the Tea Party Movement, Senator Hutchison, and Debra Medina

:: Breitbart's Challenge to New Media:

Destroy Those Who Would Destroy You

:: Andrew Breitbart:

Time To Start Returning The Punches of the Bully Media

:: Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party

On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism"

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:: Unspun with AnnaZ on BlogTalkRadio ::

:: Unspun podcast on iTunes ::