Friday, February 28, 2003

(James)Woods on fire
Dan Rather: (Saddam) A Latter-Day Saladin
Girls Terrorized in France's Macho High-Rise Ghettos
The First Annual Warblogger Awards
McDonald's puts fresh fruit on menu
HMCS Fredericton to sail

Canada has offered to help the U.S. in the war on terrorism! They have pledged 2 battleships, 6000 troops and 10 fighter jets.

With the current exchange rate, that comes out to 2 canoes, a mountie and a couple of flying squirrels.

5 posted on 02/28/2003 1:20 PM PST by N. Theknow
My Right to Dissent (Barbra Barf Alert)
Stupidity should be cured, says DNA discoverer
PETA's new ad
Pledge Ban upheld ("no under God")
No Action Role for Willis (Bruce Willis)
Remains of 2 Sept. 11 hijackers identified
Acting out - Hollywood antiwar sentiment is loud and clear. And so is the opposition
Charlie Daniels Slams Hollywood Bunch (my title)
Why We Fought [A Review of The Black Book of Communism]

Monday, February 24, 2003

Bill O'Reilly: War Between the Free Media & the Elite Media? (Sami Al-Arian)
Bill O'Reilly: War Between the Free Media & the Elite Media? (Sami Al-Arian)
Body found in Gaza home demolished by IDF troops: WHILE THE NUTS ARE BUSY PROTESTING AMERICA
Barrett Firearms Letter of Opposition to the proposed .50 cal Ban
Mel Gibson Does Jesus Movie the Hard Way
Web users protest celeb activism
Bad cause is wrongly glorified [Gods and Generals bashing mutates into Bush bashing]
On one Danish island, no pizza if you're German or French
Anti-War Activist Sheryl Crow Entertained Troops in Bosnia
Ruined Snow Penis Stimulates Debate (Loony Feminist Alert!)
Parents of sisters crushed by police SUV arrive from Paris

Beachgoers who witnessed the incident said the women were visible before the SUV trampled them.

The accident was at least the third incident in the past 10 years that a Miami Beach city vehicle ran over and seriously injured sunbathers.

In April 1999, another city vehicle ran over a pregnant woman on the beach at nearly the identical spot.
Pinning consumers with diaper tax wrong solution

Sunday, February 23, 2003

CNN Poll Needs FREEPing! Is this a moral war?

"If your opponent has a conscience, then follow Gandhi and non-violence. But if your enemy has no conscience like Hitler, then follow Bonhoeffer"
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German university professor with a doctorate in theology, a Lutheran pastor, a participant in the early ecumenical movement, a prolific writer, and a central figure in the Protestant church struggle against Nazism. His participation in the plots to assassinate Adolf Hitler led to his arrest, imprisonment, and eventual death by hanging at Flossenburg concentration camp in 1945, at the age of 39.

Only after the war, as his work was disseminated around the world by Bonhoeffer's friend and biographer Eberhard Bethge, did the fresh pertinence of his ideas become clear. Though forged in the crucible of his struggle against Nazism, Bonhoeffer's striking notions of "religionless Christianity," costly grace, and direct religious engagement with political forces -- along with his own martyrdom -- have spoken directly to the situations of contemporary Christians.

Sunday, February 02, 2003

Conservatives may have talk radio...
The Web Gets a Scoop (Congratulations, Free Republic!)
Embrace file-sharing, or die
New law forces foreigners to learn Austrian customs
Pro-Life Ads Banned (in UK)
Pro-Life Ads Banned (in UK)
Columbia streaks toward Florida touchdown to end successful 16-day science mission
Protesters try to storm US embassy in New Zealand
Abortion: a new conversation
LAPD Most Wanted Alphabetically - A - African-Americans drowning in wave of illegal immigration
The Space Shuttle Must Be Stopped


:: Rebel Evolution ::

2005 Liberty Film Festival Short-Doc Nomination: :: Sealed For Your Protection ::

:: Boomerang ::

:: Fort Hood Documentary

Remembering A Massacre

:: Sarah Palin Rocks Texas

for Governor Perry

:: Texas Starts with T

The Tea Party in 12 Easy Minutes

Clips and Interviews

:: Governor Rick Perry:

On the Tea Party Movement, Senator Hutchison, and Debra Medina

:: Breitbart's Challenge to New Media:

Destroy Those Who Would Destroy You

:: Andrew Breitbart:

Time To Start Returning The Punches of the Bully Media

:: Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party

On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism"

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