Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Michelle Malkin: The weird world of Gwyneth Paltrow
They like Bush, and they are not stupid
Dean Loses It
Dean Loses It
Same Old Dog, Amy Fisher breaks her silence on Joey Buttafuoco
How we infuriated a Liberal Idiot Teacher for MLK day.
Salvation Army Gets $1.5 Billion From the Estate of Kroc Heiress
Ann Coulter, Feminist Icon
Many Outraged Parents Reject "Sexual-Abuse Prevention" Program
Many Outraged Parents Reject "Sexual-Abuse Prevention" Program
Clark wary of concealed guns
Alter: Dean Seemed 'Off His Meds'

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Comics: 15,000 readers help guide changes (Cincy Enquirer drops Boondocks, keeps Doonesbury)
Cartoonist Quits After Too Many Requests for Balance
Mark Steyn: Illegals the political 'untouchables'
Killjoy mayor turns New York into the forbidden Apple
Communion ban on lawmakers who back abortion starts furor
It's Not Your Faulkner's South, Sociologist Says
Post banned from Conan's publicity visit
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Dean's Yale Transcripts Are Released
Voter Triggers Dean's Much-Talked About Temper
Silence at school has parents talking
Gandhi's Tire & Lube: Hillary's hate

Friday, January 09, 2004

Nat Hentoff Romps on Castro
Reward offered in hit-and-run (another dead chemist)
Sharpton: Clinton 'Killed the Democratic Party'
Pay up, state says California pushing little-known use tax
Believe It or Not (28% of Americans believe in Evolution)
Believe It or Not (28% of Americans believe in Evolution)
Cougar attack kills man (Orange Co, CA) UPDATE
Homosexuals Pursuing Stealth Agenda
Girls expelled for charging boys to watch them kiss
Danish pedophiles in UK spotlight

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Keene on Illegal Immigrant Initiative
Dean Says Faith Swayed Decision on Gay Unions
Democrats can't afford to ignore blacks' shift to the right
Terrorism in France: Al Qaeda may have downed airliner in retaliation
Kucinich Shows Pie Chart on Radio Debate
Parents of attention-deficit kids need treatment too, experts say
Haj Means 'Shut Up', Pilgrims Complain (Saudi Arabia)
Father accused of beating convicted sex offender
Look who's been dumped [death of classical music industry?]
Friends foil Olympia man's home
Backing Dean guarantees a Bush victory (must read)
The Making of the Money Shot.
Australia's first and only five-star gay resort forced to go straight
Americans deeply split over politics
Democrats rattled by Bush's popularity among Jews
The Case for Cannibalism (Why Not If Everything Is Permissible For Consenting Adults?)
iPod a throwaway? Fans demand Apple face music
Blow-up Over Castro Visit (Robert Duvall blasts Spielberg for his toadying Castro jaunt)
Man says he’s addicted to cable; threatens to sue cable company

Sunday, January 04, 2004

BA will refuse to fly with armed guards
Demos fear Dean might be another McGovern: Rise in Bush's ratings heightens party's worries
'The family never lived here'
U.S.Supreme Court could consider Muslim's suit over Mississippi flag
Tourists in Eygpt Continue Diving, Despite Bodies
US Girls Embrace Gay Passion Fashion (Barf Alert)
Dean Connects With Indian Group (Humor)
7-year-old gets stuck in stuffed animal game machine
2003 Top Ten Campus Follies
Frugal couple accumulate large nest egg by choosing not to live beyond means
"Jew Hatred. A Minor Problem, or Overblown?"
Dean Narrowing Separation of Church and Stump; Invokes Muslim Phrases; Claims Biblical Knowledge
Andrew Gilligan threat to expose BBC bosses if forced out.
New York Times Gun Toting Reporters
Newsday.com - Muslims Protest Ban on Head Scarves
'Something's happening to the flight' she said. Then there were screams...
So Much Clutter, So Little Room: Examining the Roots of Hoarding
How Do We End The War On Drugs?
Frightening to Ponder Whether Terrorists Will Defeat Democracy (Are you ready for some Islam?)
Dean: MSNBC Interview
Leftist woman befriends jailed terrorism suspect


:: Rebel Evolution ::

2005 Liberty Film Festival Short-Doc Nomination: :: Sealed For Your Protection ::

:: Boomerang ::

:: Fort Hood Documentary

Remembering A Massacre

:: Sarah Palin Rocks Texas

for Governor Perry

:: Texas Starts with T

The Tea Party in 12 Easy Minutes

Clips and Interviews

:: Governor Rick Perry:

On the Tea Party Movement, Senator Hutchison, and Debra Medina

:: Breitbart's Challenge to New Media:

Destroy Those Who Would Destroy You

:: Andrew Breitbart:

Time To Start Returning The Punches of the Bully Media

:: Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party

On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism"

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