Today's Bonus: Mercuria Rants!
If we were serious about getting rid of these migrant workers, we'd be pushing to repeal the minimum wage. That would drive labor costs down to a point that would make the trip Norte less profitable. Thanks to the Liberals' minimum wage laws, however, we've made illegal immigration big business.
Ahhhh...THERE'S the rub, Redcloak!
A point of agreement between us on this issue!
Of course, don't say that to certain Republicans around here...we'll hear the continual whine about "how can we support ourselves on less than the minimum wage?"
(Good grief! Has the Party Of Conservatives ever sounded MORE like Kennedy and Boxer??)
My dissenter says: "Americans won't do the work."
I say: "Hiring illegal aliens has ENCOURAGED Americans to become lazy because WE have bought into the notion that manual labor is 'beneath us'. When did we become so snobbish and ashamed of work we do with our two hands? Should we adopt the LIBERAL attitude of saying that entry-level or manual labor jobs are to be sneered at?"
My dissenter: "I don't want my kids having to do that work."
Me: "I suppose you PREFER the idea of having a 'two-income' family because giving your kids everything they whine for is preferable to taking the time and energy of instilling a good work ethic in them? Do you enjoy turning your kids over to government authority and having them adopt a lazy attitude because YOU YOURSELF are too apathetic to make an issue of telling your government to keep their paws off your pocketbook...and because you personally have decided that the liberals were right in establishing a traditional household as 'unfulfilling' and 'slavery'?"
My dissenter: "You'd be the first one screaming if the price of lettuce went up. Illegal labor keeps the prices down."
Me: "No, it doesn't. Considering the amount of taxpayer-funded services going to illegal aliens, the 'unseen cost' is just as much as if we paid minimum wage to CITIZENS to work our fields. We are not currently in a booming job market. And people who own fields should never become so cheap and lazy that they are more willing to break the law than work their own fields or pay what is needed to have their fields LAWFULLY worked. And if the minimum wage is too high, start holding some FEET TO THE FIRE and tell your government to get rid of that mandatory minimum wage so we can hire CITIZENS to work our fields."
My dissenter: "Are you crazy? How can we in this day and age live without a minimum wage?"
Me: "Are you lazy? Start holding some FEET TO THE FIRE and tell your government to get their paws off your pocketbook - and out of minimum wage setting - so we don't encourage lawbreakers to employ other lawbreakers. Have it so moms can stay at home with kids, get the government OUT of our personal home lives entirely, and stop promoting the epidemic of 'latchkey kids'."
My dissenter: "But the Mexicans are only coming here for a better life."
Me: "It is not our business to provide a 'better life' - money to send back to the home country and taxpayer-funded services - for people who come here with no intention of becoming citizens. A 'better life' for me - an AMERICAN CITIZEN - would be a government that enforces those laws to keep our borders secure, and that does not encourage lawbreakers from any other nation. It is up to the Mexican people, if they have no intention of being citizens here, to work for a less corrupt government in their OWN country than to try and sponge off of ours."
My dissenter: "You're so uncompassionate!"
Me: "How 'compassionate' are YOU being stating that your chief desire for lawbreakers to be in this nation is because they wash your car and clean your house so cheaply? Don't you think it MORE compassionate to encourage people to be strong enough to make their home countries more tolerable rather than inviting them over to break the law because we are becoming penny-pinching users?"
My dissenter: "President Fox is really working hard to make things better in Mexico. He and Bush have been talking about it. They've been for 70 years with the same corrupt party ruling them. It's going to take time."
Me: "Did you know that La Raza works in concert with people like Villaraigosa to promote their concept of Reconquista...and that President Fox's demands for open borders, migrant worker freedom (i.e., illegal immigrants permitted work here), and illegal alien students at our state universities as 'home state' students with 'home tuition' rates (putting them in a more FAVORED category than out-of-state CITIZENS of the U.S.) falls directly in line with La Raza and its Reconquista ideals of developing Aztlan, an anti-Christian socialistic pagan paradise?"
My dissenter: "YOU BIGOT!"
Me: "Run out of arguments, I see."
(This is an example, pretty much, of how EVERY argument I have re: illegal immigration runs. Eventually, for no real discernible reason, my rejection of the notion of radical "reconquest", my discouragement of lawbreaking, my repudiation of the idea that everything must be bilingual to accommodate immigrants rather than the necessity of their learning English, and my calling on American citizens to "get with it" by holding their government's feet to the fire makes me a "bigot". How boring. How...socialistic.)
25 Posted on 05/22/2001 00:56:31 PDT by