Thursday, May 24, 2001

One-Term George, Take Two! [Free Republic]

Enforce the Bill of Rights.

Wow, gosh, it sounds so... so simple!

But today, unfortunately, enforcing the Bill of Rights -- or the Constitution for that matter -- isn't "compassionate", it's wholly and horribly "partisan", it just doesn't fit under that big, big tent.

I will write a letter to W over the weekend, for whatever that is worth. I encourage Mr. Smith to handwrite the above missive to the President as well.

There is a fear that accompanies approaching the Leviathan that government has become, escaping the confines of the Keyboard Kingdom and acting on one's conscientious inner self. However I fear Civil War II more. I do.

75 Posted on 05/24/2001 21:33:34 PDT by AnnaZ

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