Saturday, April 05, 2003

Was this house worth her life? (The best and most complete Rachel Corrie article)

Bringing anarchy to this terrible conflict is like offering famine to starving people in Africa--people here have already had enough; they don't want any more. What they need--as they will tell anyone who will listen--is a political solution. What Joe offers is a wildly impractical dream that makes no sense.

Later, Tom tries his hand at answering the question: "I agree with you that it's a huge irony that we're helping, or at least ostensibly helping, build a state--that a lot of anarchists are doing that. They would reply, and to some extent I would reply, that what we are really here for isn't a state. We're here for the people, and as soon as they get a Palestinian state, we'll be against that one, too."

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