Thursday, January 25, 2007

The gathering storm: Latin thugs

There can be little doubt that this nation's campaign in Iraq has distracted it from a threat no less serious in our own backyard: Radical socialists, led by Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, are sweeping into power in Latin America.

Tut-tut, some world-watchers say; there may be a leftist movement in the region but it's nothing to worry about: We must learn to live with our Southern Hemisphere neighbors despite our differences.

Never mind Mr. Chavez's latest "effort" to work with the United States: "Go to hell, gringos!" he said in an address this week.

Chavez quickly has become a dictator, convincing his nation's congress to allow him to rule by decree for a year and a half; it will end up being for life. He's "nationalized" just about everything. He's appropriating private property. He's manipulating the food supply. He's cracking down on the media. He's spending billions on armaments.

As Investor's Business Daily aptly describes it, Chavez's Venezuela is a "democratic facade" not unlike the one a democratically elected Hitler created to launch Nazi Germany. And Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua likely are not far behind.

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