Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ode To A Web Commenter, Exhibit A ::: Corzine calls for tougher gun control laws - NJ.com

This story garnered a slew of responses, almost all anti-gun (law-abiding-citizen) control.

Here was a fave:

Posted by gonker on 07/27/09 at 7:13AM

Yes we need to ban .50 cal rifles because they are such a plague on our society. Another useless feel-good law about to hit the books. Let's review some facts:
Cost: A Barrett 82A1 has an MSRP of $8,900.00.
Weight: 29.7 or 30.9 lbs. depending on barrel length.
Overall length of rifle: 48" or 59" depending on barrel length. Not easy to hide.
Ammo: Average cost at online discounter's, $4.00 per round, plus shipping.
Number of robberies committed with a .50 in NJ: ZERO
Number of murders committed with a .50 in NJ: ZERO
Effect on Crime Rate in NJ by banning them? ZERO
I have fired one of these. They're freaking huge. Maybe one or two percent of the population has the physical strength to hold one of these monsters and accurately shoulder-fire it. The rest us will need a bench rest. They are also loud as hell. If you fire one, everyone within half a mile will hear it. Why have one? Because its fun to take it to the public range at Ft. Dix and shoot targets 200 yards away.
Gun laws should not be written by people who have very little actual knowledge of firearms and who have probably never fired one. Enjoy your single-term Governorship while it lasts Idiot.

Corzine calls for tougher gun control laws - NJ.com

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