Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cindy Sheehan: Don't Attack Iran:
Silly me, here I was thinking that Iran was daring us to "bring it on" when, as usual, it's all Bush's fault.

Yes, thankfully, Cindy Sheehan has deigned to chime in on our "strategery" vis a vis Iran and, well, she's against it. Send everyone at the Justice, Defense, and State departments home... why waste tax dollars when we can just listen to Cindy:

"Over 2000 thousand dead soldiers, billions of wasted dollars, thousands of maimed young people, innocent Iraqis dead by the hundreds of thousands, still no consistent electricity or clean water in their country, later, and this swaggering imbecile of a 'leaker in chief' has the nerve to be trying to sell all of us on a new war in Iran.

Do the warped neocons with their puppet president think that we are all stupid? Fool us once, shame on us, fool us, -- well, we just can't be fooled again.

'But our objective is to prevent them from having a nuclear weapon,' GWB, on Iran, 04/10/06 at Johns Hopkins University. So, let me get this straight, in order to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear, or 'nucular' weapons, we will use tactical nuclear weapons on them! The continued hypocrisy of this regime is absolutely breathtaking!

Even having nuclear weapons is crazy, but talking about deploying them is sheer insanity. Retired General Anthony Zinni said on CNN today that Iran would not just sit back and do nothing if attacked: they have the means and the capability to retaliate. Our young people in Iraq would be sitting ducks along with Israel and our supply of natural gas and oil could be greatly compromised. I have an even scarier reason: I, and others, believe that using tactical nukes in Iran could start WWIII or IV. With all of the 'Left Behind' religious fanatics praying for Armageddon, this thought is made even scarier by the fake believers in the White House who are exploiting the neo-Christian idea that Jesus was a war monger and anything our great leader does is okay, because he is a Christian man!"

Cindy, a) WWIII is already on, and b) Iran is threatening to wipe out Israel. Then again, you hate Zionists anyway, right? So of course your ilk wishes for the Ahmonajihad types to carry on unimpeded.

Quick! Call her followers! Y'know, the ones who came to her book signing...

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