Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Good grief... Do these people have any sense of style? Class? Respect? ::: Miss Obama's peacenik T-shirt sends a message to G8 leaders

It's one thing to dress sloppycozy when you're hanging out. But when you're traveling abroad as the official presidential representatives of a nation of over 300,000,000 people might you not try and look a little polished? It's not a trip to the frickin' beach.

* sigh *

Statement: Malia Obama, ten, wears a T-shirt bearing the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament symbol as she walks through Rome ahead of the G8 summit

U.S. first lady Michelle Obama (L) and her daughter Malia
Making faces: Michelle Obama has fun with her daughter in the Italian capital

Miss Obama's peacenik T-shirt sends a message to G8 leaders | Mail Online

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