Thursday, July 02, 2009

Put Independence Day Back Into The 4th of July

Do you know what the most powerful force in the world is? The independent spirit.

The independent spirit is self-reliant, self-governing, inspired, inspiring, and true – true to self, to principles, true to those within its sphere. And when the independent spirit meets like-minded souls, amazing things can and usually do happen.

In 1776 such a meeting of the minds occurred and thus, even in the face of overwhelming opposition, they forged a pact and a path to fear nothing and sacrifice all in the pursuit of joy-filled life, unfettered liberty, and self-defined happiness.

Now, being that these individuals hailed from diverse and distinct states, they sought to form a nation that recognized not only the inalienable independence and unique qualities of each person, but also of each area they represented, and through their actions a constitutional republic was eventually born, a union, no, not quite perfect yet but committed to pursuing excellence. Independent people, independent states.

Now, if you’re a person that thinks that the responsibilities of life should be left to those oh so much smarter than the average Joe, pay no more attention to these words. Think you know better how one should live, whom one should love, or how one should manage the fruits of their labor, keep moving, nothing for you to see here. If you’re content to have someone far away pick your car, your cheese, your doctor, your teacher, your light bulb, and blanket define such things for all from coast to coast? Well, you might have already turned this off.

But for the rest of us still here, unless you say hey, let’s get together the fourth Thursday of November, or I’ve got to get a gift for the 25th of December, or how about we barbecue the last Monday in May, this year seize the moment to remember and reclaim our gift, our inheritance, our right and try to put Independence Day back into the 4th of July.

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