Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Oh Good Grief ::: Green Jobs Czar Van Jones not sure what green jobs are

Van Jones, the self-described former communist turned Obama "Green Jobs Czar," was interviewed by Newsweek’s Daniel Stone for a July 28, 2009 web-only story.

The article begins:

Washington is spending $60 billion to create the careers of the future, but not a single green job yet exists. Obama’s ‘green czar’ explains.

Except Jones doesn’t really “explain” anything at all. Instead, Jones tells Newsweek that the real problem is that no one in authority can agree about just what a “green job” actually is:

Well, we still don’t have a unified definition, and that’s not unusual in a democracy. It takes a while for all the states and the federal government to come to some agreement. But the Department of Labor is working on it very diligently. Fundamentally, it’s getting there, but we haven’t crossed the finish line yet.

Since Jones literally wrote the book on “green jobs” (2008’s The Green Collar Economy), this revelation doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.

Indeed, continues the reporter:

Several environmental advocates polled by Newsweek defined green jobs the way Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart famously defined obscenity: I’ll know it when I see it.

Good to know “experts” like that are responsible for spending billions in taxpayer money.

Kathy Shaidle is a National Examiner. You can see Kathy's articles on Kathy's Home Page.

Green Jobs Czar Van Jones not sure what green jobs are

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