Friday, June 05, 2009

Nutty Stuff III ::: ACORN whistleblowers say laws were broken

A concise overview.
A group of ACORN whistle-blowers called 'ACORN-8' is alleging that the organization has engaged in deceptive practices and broken federal law.

ACORN is the 'community-based' voter registration organization that is under investigation in numerous states for voter registration fraud.

Here is what we know so far:

*Barack Obama was the legal rep for ACORN early in its formation and helped the group get organized.

*While the group claims its mission is to register the poor and minorities to vote, numerous reports from around nation point to intimidation tactics, partisanship in favor of Barack Obama, and outright fraud on the part of ACORN workers whose primary goal was to get Obama elected rather than merely register the poor to vote.

*The New York Times killed a story the day before the election that directly linked Barack Obama with ACORN's deceptive practices. This allegation is corroborated by taped conversations between a NYT reporter and a source--a conversation that proves the Times had the story but made a conscious decision not to run it for the fear it would hurt Obama at the polls.

*The organization gets multi-millions of our tax dollars, money that is basically unaccounted for.

What we don't know so far is the extend to which the corruption extends at ACORN. Allegations from the whistle-blowers suggest that so deft is the organization at shifting around funds it receives from the taxpayers that it is difficult if not impossible to arrive at a proper accounting.

Dozens of subsidiary organizations operate under the ACORN umbrella. Funds granted to the organization from the public coffers get shifted constantly between these various subsidiary organizations like a shell game...guess under which shell the money lies. You never know. By the time you think you know, it has already been shifted elsewhere.

And the government is certainly not interested in finding out where the money is due to the fact that it knows that ACORN, according to the whistle-blowers, is an arm of the Democratic Party and Barack Obama.

Further, the whistle-blowers maintain that certain board members and management of ACORN have padded their personal pockets with the dough given to the organization and engaged in the breaking of federal law. The whistle-blowers are calling for ACORN members to immediately stop paying their dues (which is over $100 per year) until ACORN opens up its books and accounts for the multi-millions for which it has bilked the taxpayers.

Why should all of this matter to you?

One, do you want an overtly partisan political organization registering people to vote?

Two, do you want your tax dollars supporting corrupt organizations like ACORN, which is under indictment in at least 13 states for breaking the law?

Three, do you want the election process essentially usurped by a group of high-pressure partisan thugs masquerading as 'voter registration personnel?'

Four, the President of the United States is a possible player in one of the most corrupt operations in the history of American politics, putting Watergate to shame.

There will most definitely be more on this issue as time rolls along as we continue our investigation into the activities of ACORN. So stay tuned.

Columbia Conservative Examiner: ACORN whistleblowers say laws were broken

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