Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Obama says we're a Muslim nation, continued...

Here's the money quote again:

«les Etats-Unis et le monde occidental doivent apprendre à mieux connaître l'islam. D'ailleurs, si l'on compte le nombre d'Américains musulmans, on voit que les Etats-Unis sont l'un des plus grands pays musulmans de la planète»,

Basically translated, Obama says 'we have to gain a better understanding of Islam. Because, if you look at the numbers, you'll see that the US is one of the biggest Muslim countries on the planet.'

Let's do the math. If numbers are what it takes to define a nation's religion... in '04 the estimates were 1.5 million Muslims, or 0.5% of the population, and Christains were estimated at 224.4 million, or 76.5% of the population.

FWIW, wikipedia ranks the US as 38th in the world for Muslim populations. Shockingly, America has the largest Christian population in the world. Who knew?

Or, 'who didn't know' might be the better question here.

Le Figaro - International : �Les Etats-Unis, un des plus grands pays musulmans�

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