Sunday, September 13, 2009

Post-Inaugural vs. Post-DC912 Rally Pix... A Thousand Words

9-12 posr rally2

9-12-2009 Post Rally

Trash and other debris scattered across the National Mall after obama inauguration ceremony

Post Inauguration 1-20-2009

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. These pictures are worth trillions.

If those that have no respect for others are allowed to illegally ram through their progressive, socialistic, fascist, marxist legislation then our entire country will soon look like this garbage filled wasteland instead of the pristine country she does when true constitutional conservatives at the wheel.

The last twitter report I read said that the DC police were reporting that the 9-12 rally numbers exceeded the inauguration numbers, so it will be interesting to see what the final numbers really are. There should be updates on FOX this evening.

More here: Conservative Patriots v. Government Trough Feeders / 9~12 Rally Coverage � Constitutionally Speaking

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